OceanGrafix is your source for print-on-demand County Geologic Atlases for the Minnesota Geologic Survey.
Shop County Geologic Atlases
Our atlases include a set of printed plates providing information about the county’s geology and its mineral and groundwater resources.
Groundwater Atlases
The Minnesota DNR produces the Part B atlases (Groundwater), which includes plates and reports identifying the direction of groundwater flow, aquifer properties, groundwater chemistry, and pollution sensitivity of aquifers.
What we do
OceanGrafix is your source for print-on-demand Geologic Atlases by county for the Minnesota Geologic Survey.
For over a decade, OceanGrafix has also worked as an experienced printer to provide boaters with a vast selection of charts to help them navigate safely. In order to ensure that boaters always have the most up-to-date charts, Nautical Charts Online offers print-on-demand OceanGrafix charts.